African Telecommunications Union cherche un(e) Stagiaire en Education, Maradi, Niger

Please email response to email: and copy by Friday 31 January 2025


WRC-27 Agenda Item 1.7

To consider studies on sharing and compatibility and develop technical conditions for the use of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-8 400 MHz (or parts thereof), and 14.8 – 15.35 GHz taking into account existing primary services operating in these, and adjacent bands in accordance with Resolution 256 (WRC-23)

Respondent Information

Name of Country MAURITIUS
Name of Contact person JEROME LOUIS
Contact e-mail
Contact telephone +230 2115333

Questionnaire on:

  • The current and future use of the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-7 250 MHz, 7 750-8 400 MHz and 14.8-15.35 GHz and adjacent frequency bands,
  • The needs to meet the emerging demand for IMT
  • The timeframe in which spectrum would be needed.


To facilitate studies on sharing and compatibility and to develop technical conditions for the use of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-7 250 MHz, 7 750-8 400 MHz (or parts thereof), and 14.8 – 15.35 GHz, ATU requests Member States to provide some vital supportive information. This information will be used to develop proposals to ITU-R WP5D, as well as, inform Africa’s views/positions on the agenda item (i.e. WRC-27 AI 1.7).

Part 1: Use of the frequency band 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-7250 MHZ,

7 750-8 400 MHz and 14.8-15.35 GHz

To facilitate the completion of the questionnaire, the current ITU allocations for the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-7 250 MHz, 7 750-8 400 MHz, and 14.8 – 15.35 GHz are given in Annex 1. (only Region 1 allocations are indicated).

  1. Utilisation of the bands under study for WRC-27 AI 1.7

Kindly provide responses in respect to the current deployment of services in your country (see below ITU Table of Allocations) in bands under study for AI 1.7 and level of utilisation of spectrum by incumbent services in the said bands.

Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links of systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

4 400 – 4 500 MHz none    
4 500 – 4 800 MHz none   The band 4 500- 4 800 MHz is part of the APP30B Plan (FSS space to Earth)

Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

7 075 – 7 145 MHz Fixed links – Upper 6 GHz (6425-7110 MHz) and Lower 7 GHz (7110-7425 MHz) 32 Used by mobile operators and other commercial services licensees
7 145 – 7 190 MHz Fixed links – Lower 7 GHz (7110-7425 MHz) 52  
7 190 – 7 235 MHz Fixed links – Lower 7 GHz (7110-7425 MHz) 18  
7 235 – 7 250 MHz Fixed links – Lower 7 GHz (7110-7425 MHz) Frequencies are assigned on a request basis
Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

7 750 – 7 900 MHz Fixed links – Lower 8 GHz (7725-8275 MHz) 35  
7 900 – 8 025 MHz Fixed links – Lower 8 GHz (7725-8275 MHz) 10  
8 025 – 8 175 MHz Fixed links – Lower 8 GHz (7725-8275 MHz) 35  
8 175 – 8 215 MHz Fixed links – Lower 8 GHz (7725-8275 MHz) 5  
8 215 – 8 400 MHz Fixed links – Lower 8 GHz (7725-8275 MHz) and Upper 8 GHz (8275-8500 MHz)

Earth exploration satellite (space to Earth)


Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

14.8 – 15.35 GHz Fixed links – 15 GHz (14.5-15.35 GHz) 64  
  1. Possible/foreseen use of these bands in future

Kindly provide responses in respect to the future deployment of services in bands under study for Ai 1.7 and any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services in the said bands.

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations, or, any compatibility or sharing issues considered)

4 400 – 4 500 MHz      
4 500 – 4 800 MHz Space to Earth applications    

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations, or, any compatibility or sharing issues considered)

7 075 – 7 145 MHz      
7 145 – 7 190 MHz SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (Earth-to-space) 1.       Expected interference with existing long-distance fixed links

2.       Might cause interference


1.       This band is the only remaining band for long-haul backbone microwave systems and is heavily used over the world.

2.       In the future Mauritius could contribute in the international space community by setting up a deep space antenna to support Lunar and Mars missions

7 190 – 7 235 MHz Earth Exploration

Space Research

Might interfere with

payload data on the data acquisition side

7 235 – 7 250 MHz      

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations, or, any compatibility or sharing issues considered)

7 750 – 7 900 MHz Space to earth meteorological satellite Expected interference  
7 900 – 8 025 MHz Fixed satellite    
8 025 – 8 175 MHz Earth Exploration Satellite (space-to-Earth)

Fixed Satellite (Earth-to-space)

Expected interference  
8 175 – 8 215 MHz Earth Exploration Satellite (space-to-Earth)

Fixed Satellite (Earth-to-space)

Meteorological-Satellite (Earth-to-space)

Expected interference  
8 215 – 8 400 MHz Earth Exploration Satellite (space-to-Earth)

Fixed Satellite (Earth-to-space)

Expected interference with existing long distance fixed links This band is the only remaining band for long-haul backbone microwave systems and is heavily used over the world.

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations, or, any compatibility or sharing issues considered)

14.8 – 15.35 GHz Fixed Service 1)      Expected interference with existing medium distance fixed links

2)      Adjacent channel interference with NGSO user terminals operating on 14.0 – 14.5 GHz


  1. Possible identification of IMT in the listed bands

Resolution 256 (WRC-23) provides for the possible identification for the terrestrial component of IMT in the bands listed below in Region 1 based on the outcome of studies during the WRC-27 cycle.

Kindly provide more information on the future needs for IMT in the band listed below.

Frequency Band Does your country consider introduction of IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes, no or not sure) Does your country have information available at this stage for spectrum needs for IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes or no)
4 400 – 4 500 MHz Possible use for IMT-2030 in the long term No
4 500 – 4 800 MHz Possible use for IMT-2030 in the long term  

Frequency Band Does your country consider introduction of IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes, no or not sure) Does your country have information available at this stage for spectrum needs for IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes or no)
7 075 – 7 145 MHz Depending on interest from mobile operators No
7 145 – 7 190 MHz No Heavily used for long range fixed links
7 190 – 7 235 MHz No  
7 235 – 7 250 MHz No  

Frequency Band Does your country consider introduction of IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes, no or not sure) Does your country have information available at this stage for spectrum needs for IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes or no)
7 750 – 7 900 MHz No  
7 900 – 8 025 MHz No  
8 025 – 8 175 MHz No  
8 175 – 8 215 MHz No  
8 215 – 8 400 MHz No Heavily used for long range fixed links

Frequency Band Does your country consider introduction of IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes, no or not sure) Does your country have information available at this stage for spectrum needs for IMT in the frequency ranges below? (yes or no)
14.8 – 15.35 GHz No Band heavily used for medium range fixed links.

Part 2: Use of the frequency bands adjacent to 4 400-4 800 MHz,

7 125-7 250 MHz, 7 750-8 400 MHz and 14.8-15.35 GHz

To facilitate the completion of the questionnaire, the current ITU allocations for the adjacent frequency bands 4 400-4 500 MHz, 4 800-4 990 MHz, 7 075-7 125 MHz, 7 250-7 300 MHz, 7 550-7750 MHz, 8 400-8 500 MHz, 14.75-14.8 GHz and 15.35-15.4 GHz are given in Annex 2. (Note: Only Region 1 allocations are indicated).

  1. Utilisation of the bands adjacent to the bands under study for WRC-27 AI 1.7

Kindly provide responses in respect to the current deployment of services in bands adjacent to the bands under study for Ai 1.7 and level of utilisation of spectrum by incumbent services in the said bands.

Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the adjacent frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

4 200 – 4 400 MHz Radio altimeters onboard aircraft   This is fitted on aircrafts visiting the island and no record may be obtained on level of utilisation
4 800 – 4 990 MHz      

Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the adjacent frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

7 075 – 7 125 MHz Fixed links 10  
7 250 – 7 300 MHz Fixed links Frequency channels assigned on request basis
7 550 – 7 750 MHz Fixed links 26 Given the topology and size of Mauritius  implementation of IMT is not being considered in the near future in frequency bands where fixed links are being operated
8 400 – 8 500 MHz Fixed links  

Frequency Band What services are currently being provided in the adjacent frequency band Level of utilisation (Number of links or systems deployed) Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of Earth Stations)

14.75 – 14.8 GHz Fixed links 14  
15.35 – 15.4 GHz      

  1. Future Possible/foreseen utilisation of the adjacent bands under study for WRC-27 AI 1.7

Kindly provide responses in respect to the future deployment of services in adjacent bands under study for Ai 1.7 and any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services in the said bands.

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the adjacent frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations)

4 200 – 4 400 MHz Radio Altimeters onboard aircraft Yes Interference possible
4 800 – 4 990 MHz      

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the adjacent frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations)

7 075 – 7 125 MHz Fixed links    
7 250 – 7 300 MHz Fixed links, space to earth exploration    
7 550 – 7 750 MHz Fixed links    
8 400 – 8 500 MHz Fixed links    

Frequency Band What future services are considered in the adjacent frequency band Any foreseen co-existence problems with IMT services Additional comments

(any useful info such as applicable ITU-R Rec, system bandwidth, rural/urban usage, etc, in the case of future Fixed Links, or, NGSO/GSO, antenna sizes, satellite orbit, etc, in the case of future Earth Stations)

14.75 – 14.8 GHz Fixed links    
15.35 – 15.4 GHz Fixed links    

Thank you for your participation in completing this questionnaire.

Annex 1

Current ITU allocations for the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-7 250 MHz, 7 750-8 400 MHz, and 14.8 – 15.35 GHz (Note: Only Region 1 allocations are indicated).

Allocation to services 4 400-4 800 MHz
4 400 – 4 500 MHz     FIXED



4 500 – 4 800 MHz     FIXED

FIXED SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.441



Allocation to services 7 125-7 250 MHz
7 075-7 145 MHz        FIXED

MOBILE 5.457E 5.457F

5.458 5.459

7 145-7 190 MHz        FIXED


SPACE RESEARCH (deep space) (Earth-to-space)


5.458 5.459

7 190-7 235 MHz         EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (Earth-to-Space) 5.460A 5.460B



SPACE RESEARCH (Earth-to-space) 5.460


5.458 5.459

7 235-7 250 MHz         EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (Earth-to-Space) 5.460A





Allocation to services 7 750-8 400 MHz
7 750– 7 900 MHz      FIXED


MOBILE except aeronautical mobile


7 900– 8 025 MHz      FIXED

FIXED SATELLITE (Earth-to-space)




8 025– 8 175 MHz      EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (space-to-Earth)


FIXED SATELLITE (Earth-to-space)

MOBILE 5.463



8 175– 8 215 MHz      EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (space-to-Earth)


FIXED SATELLITE (Earth-to-space)


MOBILE 5.463



8 215– 8 400 MHz      EARTH EXPLORATION SATELLITE (space-to-Earth)


FIXED SATELLITE (Earth-to-space)

MOBILE 5.463



Allocation to services 14.8-15.35 GHz
14.8-15.35 GHz           FIXED





All footnotes applicable to the bands under study for WRC-27 for Region 1 are listed below.

5.441     The use of the bands 4 500-4 800 MHz (space-to-Earth), 6 725-7 025 MHz (Earth-to-space) by the fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 30B. The use of the bands 10.7-10.95 GHz (space-to-Earth), 11.2-11.45 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 30B. The use of the bands 10.7-10.95 GHz (space-to-Earth), 11.2-11.45 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) by a non‑geostationary-satellite system in the fixed-satellite service is subject to application of the provisions of No. 9.12 for coordination with other non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service. Non‑geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service shall not claim protection from geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satellite service operating in accordance with the Radio Regulations, irrespective of the dates of receipt by the Bureau of the complete coordination or notification information, as appropriate, for the non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service and of the complete coordination or notification information, as appropriate, for the geostationary-satellite networks, and No. 5.43A does not apply. Non-geostationary-satellite systems in the fixed-satellite service in the above bands shall be operated in such a way that any unacceptable interference that may occur during their operation shall be rapidly eliminated. (WRC‑2000)

5.458     In the band 6 425-7 075 MHz, passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out over the oceans. In the band 7 075-7 250 MHz, passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out. Administrations should bear in mind the needs of the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services in their future planning of the bands 6 425-7 025 MHz and 7 075-7 250 MHz

5.459     Additional allocation: in the Russian Federation, the frequency bands 7 100-7 155 MHz and 7 190-7 235 MHz are also allocated to the space operation service (Earth-to-space) on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. In the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz, with respect to the Earth exploration satellite service (Earth-to-space), No. 9.21 does not apply. (WRC-15)

5.460     No emissions from space research service (Earth-to-space) systems intended for deep space shall be affected in the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz. Geostationary satellites in the space research service operating in the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz shall not claim protection from existing and future stations of the fixed and mobile services and No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-15)

5.460A   The use of the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz (Earth-to-space) by the Earth exploration-satellite service shall be limited to tracking, telemetry and command for the operation of spacecraft. Space stations operating in the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the frequency band 7 190-7 250 MHz shall not claim protection from existing and future stations in the fixed and mobile services, and No. 5.43A does not apply. No. 9.17 applies. Additionally, to ensure protection of the existing and future deployment of fixed and mobile services, the location of earth stations supporting spacecraft in the Earth exploration-satellite service in non-geostationary orbits or geostationary orbit shall maintain a separation distance of at least 10 km and 50 km, respectively, from the respective border(s) of neighbouring countries, unless a shorter distance is otherwise agreed between the corresponding administrations. (WRC-15)

5.460B    Space stations on the geostationary orbit operating in the Earth exploration satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz shall not claim protection from existing and future stations of the space research service, and No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-15)

5.461      Additional allocation: the frequency bands 7 250-7 375 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 7 900-8 025 MHz (Earth-to-space) are also allocated to the mobile-satellite service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21, with the exception that No. 9.21 shall not apply to the geostationary-satellite networks in the mobile-satellite service for which complete coordination information is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025 with respect to non-geostationary- satellite systems for which complete coordination or notification information, according to the case, is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025. Non-geostationary-satellite systems for which complete coordination or notification information, according to the case, is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025 shall not cause unacceptable interference to and shall not claim protection from geostationary-satellite networks in the mobile-satellite service operating in accordance with these Regulations. No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-23)

5.461B   The use of the band 7 750-7 900 MHz by the meteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) is limited to non-geostationary satellite systems.  (WRC-12)

5.462A   In Regions 1 and 3 (except for Japan), in the band 8 025-8 400 MHz, the Earth exploration-satellite service using geostationary satellites shall not produce a power flux-density in excess of the following provisional values for angles of arrival (q), without the consent of the affected administration:

                   -135 dB(W/m2) in a 4 kHz band                          for       0o      £  q  <    5º
–135 + 0.5 (q – 5) dB(W/m2) in a 4 kHz band      for       5º      £  q  <  25º
–125 dB(W/m2) in a 1 MHz band                         for     25º      £  q  £  90º


5.463     Aircraft stations are not permitted to transmit in the band 8 025-8 400 MHz.  (WRC-97)

5.510A    The allocation of the frequency band 14.8-15.35 GHz to the space research service on a primary basis is limited to satellite systems operating in the space-to-space, space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space directions at distances from the Earth of less than 2 × 106 km in accordance with Resolution 678 (WRC-23). Other uses of the frequency band by the space research service are on a secondary basis. The use of the frequency band 14.8-15.35 GHz by the space research service (space-to-Earth) (Earth-to-space) is on a secondary basis with respect to the terrestrial services in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Korea (Rep. of), Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, India, Iraq, Japan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Yemen. (WRC-23)

 5.339     The bands 1 370-1 400 MHz, 2 640-2 655 MHz, 4 950-4 990 MHz and 15.20-15.35 GHz are also allocated to the space research (passive) and Earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis.

Annex 2

Current ITU allocations for the adjacent frequency bands 4 400-4 500 MHz, 4 800-4 990 MHz, 7 075-7 125 MHz, 7 250-7 300 MHz, 7 550-7750 MHz, 8 400-8 500 MHz, 14.75-14.8 GHz and 15.35-15.4 GHz. (Note: Only Region 1 allocations are indicated).

Allocation to services in adjacent bands to  4 400-4800 MHz
4 200 – 4 400 MHz     AERONAUTICAL MOBILE(R) 5.436



5.439 5.440

4 800 – 4 990 MHz                 FIXED

MOBILE 5.440A 5.441A 5.441B 5.442

Radio astronomy


5.149 5.339 5.443


Allocation to services in adjacent bands to 7 125 – 7 250 MHz
7 075 – 7 125 MHz     FIXED

MOBILE 5.457E 5.457F


5.458 5.459

7 250 – 7300 MHz                  FIXED

FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth)




Allocation to services in adjacent bands to 7 750 – 8 400 MHz
7 550 – 7 7 750 MHz             FIXED

FIXED-SATELLITE (space-to-Earth)

MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

MARITIME MOBILE SATELLITE (space-to-Earth) 5.461AA 5461AB



8 400 – 8 500 MHz                FIXED

MOBILE except aeronautical mobile

SPACE RESEARCH (space-to-Earth) 5.465 5.466

Allocation to services in adjacent bands to 14.8 – 15.35 GHz
14.75 – 14.8 GHz                   FIXED

FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.510


Space research 5.509G

15.35 – 15.4 GHz                    EARTH EXPLORATION-SATELLITE (passive)




5.340 5.511


All footnotes applicable to the bands adjacent to the frequency bands under study for WRC-27 for Region 1 are listed below.

5.149     In making assignments to stations of other services to which the bands:

13 360-13 410 kHz,

25 550-25 670 kHz,

37.5-38.25 MHz,

73-74.6 MHz in Regions 1 and 3,

150.05-153 MHz in Region 1,

322-328.6 MHz,

406.1-410 MHz,

608-614 MHz in Regions 1 and 3,

1 330-1 400 MHz,

1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz,

1 660-1 670 MHz,

1 718.8-1 722.2 MHz,

2 655-2 690 MHz,

3 260-3 267 MHz,

3 332-3 339 MHz,

3 345.8-3 352.5 MHz,

4 825-4 835 MHz,

4 950-4 990 MHz,

4 990-5 000 MHz,

6 650-6 675.2 MHz,

10.6-10.68 GHz,

14.47-14.5 GHz,

22.01-22.21 GHz,

22.21-22.5 GHz,

22.81-22.86 GHz,

23.07-23.12 GHz,

31.2-31.3 GHz,

31.5-31.8 GHz in Regions 1 and 3,

36.43-36.5 GHz,

42.5-43.5 GHz,

48.94-49.04 GHz,

76-86 GHz,

92-94 GHz,

94.1-100 GHz,


102-109.5 GHz,

111.8-114.25 GHz,

128.33-128.59 GHz,

129.23-129.49 GHz,

130-134 GHz,

136-148.5 GHz,

151.5-158.5 GHz,

168.59-168.93 GHz,

171.11-171.45 GHz,

172.31-172.65 GHz,

173.52-173.85 GHz,

195.75-196.15 GHz,

209-226 GHz,

241-250 GHz,

252-275 GHz

are allocated, administrations are urged to take all practicable steps to protect the radio astronomy service from harmful interference. Emissions from spaceborne or airborne stations can be particularly serious sources of interference to the radio astronomy service (see Nos. 4.5 and 4.6 and Article 29).     (WRC‑07)

5.339         The bands 1 370-1 400 MHz, 2 640-2 655 MHz, 4 950-4 990 MHz and 15.20-15.35 GHz are also allocated to the space research (passive) and Earth exploration-satellite (passive) services on a secondary basis

5.340         All emissions are prohibited in the following bands:

                   1 400-1 427 MHz,

                   2 690-2 700 MHz,                         except those provided for by No. 5.422,

                   10.68-10.7 GHz,                            except those provided for by No. 5.483,

                   15.35-15.4 GHz,                            except those provided for by No. 5.511,

                   23.6-24 GHz,

                   31.3-31.5 GHz,

                   31.5-31.8 GHz,                              in Region 2,

                   48.94-49.04 GHz,                          from airborne stations

                   50.2-50.4 GHz,

                   52.6-54.25 GHz,

                   86-92 GHz,

                   100-102 GHz,

                   109.5-111.8 GHz,

                   114.25-116 GHz,

                   148.5-151.5 GHz,

                   164-167 GHz,

                   182-185 GHz,

                   190-191.8 GHz,

                   200-209 GHz,

                   226-231.5 GHz,

                   250-252 GHz.     (WRC‑03)

5.439         Additional allocation:  in Iran (Islamic Republic of), the band 4 200-4 400 MHz is also allocated to the fixed service on a secondary basis.     (WRC‑12)

5.440         The standard frequency and time signal-satellite service may be authorized to use the frequency 4 202 MHz for space-to-Earth transmissions and the frequency 6 427 MHz for Earth-to-space transmissions. Such transmissions shall be confined within the limits of ± 2 MHz of these frequencies, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21.

5.441B       In Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo (Rep. of the), Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Eswatini, Russian Federation, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lao P.D.R., Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mongolia, Namibia, Niger, Uganda, Uzbekistan, the Dem. Rep. of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, the Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea, South Sudan, South Africa, Chad, Togo, Viet Nam, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the frequency band 4 800-4 990 MHz, or portions thereof, is identified for use by administrations wishing to implement International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT). This identification does not preclude the use of this frequency band by any application of the services to which it is allocated and does not establish priority in the Radio Regulations. The use of IMT stations is subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21 with concerned administrations, and IMT stations shall not claim protection from stations of other applications of the mobile service. In addition, before an administration brings into use an IMT station in the mobile service, it shall ensure that the power flux-density (pfd) produced by this station does not exceed −155 dB(W/(m2 · 1 MHz)) produced up to 19 km above sea level at 20 km from the coast, defined as the low-water mark, as officially recognized by the coastal State. Resolution 223 (Rev.WRC-23) applies. (WRC-23)

5.458      In the band 6 425-7 075 MHz, passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out over the oceans. In the band 7 075-7 250 MHz, passive microwave sensor measurements are carried out. Administrations should bear in mind the needs of the Earth exploration-satellite (passive) and space research (passive) services in their future planning of the bands 6 425-7 025 MHz and 7 075-7 250 MHz

5.459      Additional allocation: in the Russian Federation, the frequency bands 7 100-7 155 MHz and 7 190-7 235 MHz are also allocated to the space operation service (Earth-to-space) on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21. In the frequency band 7 190-7 235 MHz, with respect to the Earth exploration satellite service (Earth-to-space), No. 9.21 does not apply. (WRC-15)

5.461      Additional allocation: the frequency bands 7 250-7 375 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 7 900-8 025 MHz (Earth-to-space) are also allocated to the mobile-satellite service on a primary basis, subject to agreement obtained under No. 9.21, with the exception that No. 9.21 shall not apply to the geostationary-satellite networks in the mobile-satellite service for which complete coordination information is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025 with respect to non-geostationary-satellite systems for which complete coordination or notification information, according to the case, is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025. Non-geostationary-satellite systems for which complete coordination or notification information, according to the case, is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025 shall not cause unacceptable interference to and shall not claim protection from geostationary-satellite networks in the mobile-satellite service operating in accordance with these Regulations. No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-23)

5.461AA   The use of the frequency band 7 375-7 750 MHz by the maritime mobile-satellite service is limited to geostationary-satellite networks. (WRC-15)

5.461AB    In the frequency band 7 375-7 750 MHz, earth stations in the maritime mobile-satellite service shall not claim protection from, nor constrain the use and development of, stations in the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services. No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-15)

5.461AC    In the frequency band 7 375-7 750 MHz, non-geostationary-satellite systems operating in the fixed-satellite service for which complete coordination or notification information, according to the case, is received by the Bureau as of 1 January 2025 shall not cause unacceptable interference to and shall not claim protection from geostationary-satellite networks in the maritime mobile-satellite service operating in accordance with these Regulations. No. 5.43A does not apply. (WRC-23)

5.465        In the space research service, the use of the band 8 400-8 450 MHz is limited to deep space.

5.509G     The frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz is also allocated to the space research service on a primary basis. However, such use is limited to the satellite systems operating in the space research service (Earth-to-space) to relay data to space stations in the geostationary-satellite orbit from associated earth stations. Stations in the space research service shall not cause harmful interference to, or claim protection from, stations in the fixed and mobile services and in the fixed satellite service limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service and associated space operations functions using the guard-bands under Appendix 30A and feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 2. Other uses of this frequency band by the space research service are on a secondary basis. (WRC-15)

5.510        Except for use in accordance with Resolution 163 (WRC15) and Resolution 164 (WRC-15), the use of the frequency band 14.5-14.8 GHz by the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) is limited to feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service. This use is reserved for countries outside Europe. Uses other than feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service are not authorized in Regions 1 and 2 in the frequency band 14.75-14.8 GHz. (WRC-15)

5.511     Additional allocation: in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Cameroon, Djibouti, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Guinea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, the Syrian Arab Republic and Somalia, the frequency band 15.35-15.4 GHz is also allocated to the fixe

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